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Honey with Real Ginger


價格自 $12.50

A beautiful golden blonde honey, with a soft, creamy texture, crafted with a clean ginger finish. Think soft caramel fudge, with a lingering, but not overpowering ginger, tasting like a sweet butterscotch. This Manuka and Ginger honey is delicious with Chay tea or with thick Greek Yogurt and dates or in smoothies, or simply on your favourite drinks.
We are grateful to our hard working bees for helping to provide us with one of the most precious, nutritional, ancient foods on earth.


  • 顾客评论

    Helene Gerberon,Ruakaka, Whangarei09 Dec 2018

    Best honey!

    Best honey! We tried the Manuka honey & Bush ginger and it's absolutely delicious! Great on toast, in baking and in infusions!;,-

    Ella , Auckland05 Sep 2018

    excellent products

    I can state that Happy Beekeeping products are the best I have come across. It was Angela who introduced me to their Manuka & Ginger honey at Clevedon. As advised, I went online to order other varieties to include another ginger honey which I intended for my visiting overseas friend to try. At my request, Angela kindly delivered that honey to my friend's address not far away from hers. This is what I like: next, this friend was very happy too and ordered a few more for herself to bring home (overseas). Overall I am very happy to have stumbled across Happy Beekeeping products. Probably similar, if not exactly the same, to the way Isaac stumbled into his beekeeping world :) Thank you Isaac, thank you Angela. Please keep up the good works, not for New Zealand alone, but for the human race. Forever grateful, Ella


    HeleneGerberon,Ruakaka,Whangarei09 2018年12月
    最好的蜜!我们尝试了麦卢卡蜂蜜和布什生姜,它绝对美味!伟大的烤面包,烘烤和输液!;, -
    我可以说快乐养蜂产品是我遇到过的最好的产品。 Angela在Clevedon向我介绍了他们的麦卢卡和生姜蜂蜜。据我所知,我上网订购其他品种,包括另一种生姜蜂蜜,我打算让我的访问海外朋友尝试。在我的要求下,安吉拉亲切地把那颗蜂蜜送到我朋友离她不远的地址。这就是我喜欢的:接下来,这位朋友也非常开心,还为她自己带回家(海外)。总的来说,我很高兴偶然发现了Happy Beekeeping产品。可能类似,如果不完全相同,艾萨克绊倒他的养蜂世界的方式:)谢谢艾萨克,谢谢安吉拉。请保持好的作品,不仅仅是为了新西兰,而是为了人类。永远感激,艾拉Helene

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